October 30, 2006

horse mountain cemetery

steve oshea, dustin ellis, me (jason nicholas) and jeremy trelevin had a little band going called
"horse mountain cemetery" 2 years ago. very atmospheric stuff i suppose. kinda of like mono but without the loudness of it all. anyways, after much talk and deliberation we've decided that we are gonna become a band again and start releasing e.p's throughout the next year or so. we plan on recording in decemeber and go from there. we are all very excited to commence making music again and hopefully performing it live in the future.

if you'd like
you can download the first ep from our myspace.
and if you really want to you can leave a comment and let me know what you think
cause im interested in your thoughts.


i realize that this is shameless self promotion
but im pretty fucking excited about it.
so there.

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